cloud migration strategy

data migration strategy

data migration plan

cloud migration tools

data lake

data and analytics

tableau business intelligence

data migration tools

cloud migration

Comprehensive Data Migration Solutions

Migration programs are a critical component of any Chief Data Officer’s (CDO) strategy, as they enable organizations to seamlessly transition to new data platforms and technologies. CDOs need to have a comprehensive migration plan in place to ensure that the transition is executed smoothly and efficiently.

This plan should include a thorough analysis of the existing data ecosystem, including data sources, data quality, and data governance. The migration program should also address any potential issues that may arise during the transition, such as data loss, security breaches, and system downtime.

Additionally, the plan should ensure that staff are trained on the new platforms and technologies, and that the organization’s data strategy aligns with business objectives. A well-planned migration program can help CDOs unlock the full potential of their organization’s data assets and drive business growth.

Seamless Data Transfer from Legacy Systems to Modern Platforms
Modernizing Your Analytics: Strategies for Retiring Legacy Business Intelligence Systems

Modernizing your analytics is a crucial step for any organization looking to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business world. Retiring legacy business intelligence (BI) systems is an essential part of this process, as it enables organizations to take advantage of the latest analytics technologies and tools to gain more accurate and timely insights.

However, retiring legacy BI systems can be a daunting task, as it involves migrating data and applications to new platforms, training staff on new technologies, and ensuring business continuity throughout the process.

We have codified this process with proven framework, toolsets, and support post migration. We have a success rate of 45% faster to migrate, 55% reduction in report footprint, 50% faster report processing time using modern platforms.

Unlocking the Power of the Cloud: Strategies for Seamless Migration to Cloud Computing

Unlocking the power of the cloud can be a game-changer for any organization, as it provides access to a wide range of powerful computing resources and enables the development of cutting-edge applications and services. However, migrating to cloud computing can be a complex process that requires careful planning and execution.

At USEReady, we follow our proven framework called “Plan Migrate Validate” to move to cloud. We also offer automated tools for migration to cloud within our solution platform MigratorIQ.

We have found that by following a prescriptive strategy and proven toolsets, organizations can unlock the full potential of cloud computing and stay ahead of the curve in today’s fast-paced digital world.

Our Value Propositions
Strong Partner Ecosystem and Technology Expertise

Trained and certified resources across AWS, Snowflake, Exasol, Tableau, Alteryx, etc. to support all your data projects.

Proven Methodology and automated playbooks

USEReady applies a ‘light agile’, agile or client preferred execution  cadence for POCs, or full project.

Flexible Engagement Models

We offer flexible engagement models that are customized to your need – client embedded teams, player coach, consultants, trainers, and wing to wing solution delivery.

Extensive Experience Across Verticals

Benefit from USEReady’s extensive industry experience and thought leadership across financial services, insurance, industrial automation, retail & media verticals.

Fit to purpose legacy take out accelerators.

MigratorIQ automates and streamlines migration process with accelerators, and follows a proven framework to successfully deliver scalable Legacy to Modern BI Migrations.

More automation less Human intervention

Our toolset automates planning, migration, and validation modules in migration process. This differentiates us from other vendors, who follow pure lift and shift model.

Proven Methodology & Automated Playbooks

“Plan-Migrate-Validate” is a proven framework in our migration process. We have successfully deployed this at several Fortune 500 customers.

Highly Competitive Pricing

Creative  blending of skilled & certified onshore and offshore resources  for low-cost solutions and services. 

Post Migration Optimizers

Pixel Perfect and SnowIQ are two proprietary products that are built to optimize your post migration environment.

Technology Partnerships
Customers Speak

USEReady has a very skilled and talented team that can solve problems in an expeditious manner. Their extremely customer-focused and engaged approach helps to identify areas that need to be resolved in record time. This approach, combined with their exceptionally professional and assertive ethic, helps in meeting all given objectives and deliverables.

Account Manager, Global Asset Management Firm

USEReady has been a valued partner of The Ad Council since 2016. Through our work with them, we’ve successfully added Snowflake to our ecosystem, utilized Alteryx as a workflow tool to execute proprietary media mix model solution and launched Tableau as our go-to data visualization platform. We look forward to the capabilities in data and insights which USEReady can help us continue to achieve moving forward.

Anne Deo, Senior Vice President, The Ad Council

USEReady has provided a number of different professional consultancy services for us – providing both long term integrated personnel, and short, but deeply-detailed (and technical) project-based expertise. USEReady are considered outstanding and, ‘give them a call first’ partner. 

- Project Manager, Specialized Business News Media Company

USEReady has proven on multiple occasions the ability to bring the right team members to solve the problem at hand. Their ability to perfectly match your given resource to the problem at hand makes it easy to plan for projects.

- Solution Consultant, Leading IT Solutions Provider 

With USEReady’s help, we were able to engage and empower employees to make expeditious, data-driven decisions. They enabled our Modern BI and Cloud adoption initiatives to drive enable decisions.

SVP, Analytics, at a Top 5 Semiconductor firm
Experience Snapshots

Market analysis and customer lifetime predictions

Analysis of voice sentiment and voice to text conversion

Support Data Analytics Operations

Build Cloud Native Analytics Platform

Data lake and analytics design for refined healthcare

Enabling Members’ Analytics using Cloud based approach

Migration of on-prem Data Warehouse solution to cloud Data Warehouse

Simplified data ingestion with cloud native data warehouse – providing a single source of truth

IoT / streaming data analytics and clickstream analysis for retail POC

Improving Marketing Analytics using Cloud Data Warehouse

Reinventing the Data Warehouse

Improving the ROI of Your Data Warehouse

Reimagine Data Warehousing -Moving from complex analytics to actionable insights with Google BigQuery

Data Warehouse Modernizati
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