Alteryx Fuzzy Matching

Alteryx Fuzzy Matching

“The Fuzzy Matching tool can be used to identify non-identical duplicates of a dataset by specifying match fields and similarity thresholds. Match Scores only need to fall within the user-specified or default thresholds established in the configuration properties.

In this session we will learn about performing Fuzzy Matching inside of the Alteryx platform. The most common use cases for Fuzzy Matching is when you have some sort of data, such as customer records that you’d like to enrich with say Experian data – but the challenge is that, there are no common identifiers between those disparate files.

Fuzzy Matching enables you to generate a series of keys and leverage a series of matching algorithms to form probable matches between these disparate sources. Discover how you can merge two sources of data by leveraging Fuzzy Matching logic, further you will also learn how to calibrate the Fuzzy Matching tool to yield optimal results.

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