Turn Data into Products – New Opportunities for Enterprises, SMEs and Startups

On-Demand Webinar

Unlocking Potential for Enterprises, SMEs, and Startups

Integrating analytics into products

Data Monetization Strategies for Business Growth

Transforming Data into Products: A Gateway to New Opportunities

Business Potential for Enterprises, SMEs, and Startups

Unleashing Visual Design Mastery in Embedded Analytics

Data is everywhere. Consumers now expect to have access to data in every app and product that they use to make decisions. As a result, companies are embedding analytics into their own products to provide their customers with insights that they can access from anywhere.

In this webinar, learn how to embed analytics into your company’s product offering so you can deliver interactive visual insights that drive your product engagement and customer satisfaction.

Through a practical demo, see how Tableau integrates with simple web pages, web portals, 3rd party apps and customer-facing products, so you can deliver visual analytics to your customers. You get to stay focused on your area of expertise whilst Tableau takes care of the analytics.

Webinar Speakers

Timo Tautenhahn

Senior Solution Consultant, Tableau