Trust, transparency, and the opportunity of artificial intelligence

On-Demand Webinar

Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

trust meets the potential of artificial intelligence

AI investments

Trust in Artificial Intelligence

Investments in AI

Strategy for collaborating with AWS

Explore AI initiatives

Understanding the Transparency in AI Technologies

Commitment to AI trust and transparency

Potential of artificial intelligence

The promise of artificial intelligence (AI) is that machines will help humans make better decisions. In some cases decisions are automated away; in other cases humans collaborate with AI to make the best decisions. In all cases, people need to understand what machines are doing, to avoid mistakes, to make ethical decisions, and to understand their data.

Gartner research indicates “85% of CIOs will be piloting artificial intelligence programs through a combination of buy, build, and outsource efforts.” But as organizations become more reliant on AI and machine learning models, how can humans be sure they are receiving trustworthy answers to the right questions?

Watch this webinar to hear directly from the engineering team at Tableau who lead our investments in AI and learn about our plans to partner with AWS.

Webinar Speakers

Richard Tibbetts

Principal Product Manager, AI, Tableau

Kris Skrinak

Machine Learning, Segment Lead, AWS