Redefining the Data Warehouse for Analytics in the Cloud

On-Demand Webinar

Data Warehouse for Analytics in the Cloud

Drive BI through AI

Driving User Adoption within the Analytics Community

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) research has shown that traditional analytical architectures are not going away.  However, they are being challenged by advances in data management technologies and implementation strategies, such as cloud.  These challenges are forcing organizations to reexamine traditional notions of analytical environments, including data warehouses.  Data warehouses and other analytical frameworks need to adapt to not only new technologies but also new ways customers are using data.

Join Snowflake CEO, Bob Muglia, and EMA Managing Research Director for Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, John Myers, to hear how data warehousing in the cloud creates opportunities for organizations of all sizes. Attendees will learn:

  • How users are implementing cloud architectures to support analytics
  • The innovations that are key to making data warehousing in the cloud possible
  • Key things you need to know to be successful with analytics in the cloud

Data Warehousing Evolution

Cloud-Powered Analytics Revolution

Transformative Approach with Redefining Data Warehousing

Advancements in Cloud-Based Data Warehousing

Cloud-Driven Analytics Transformation

Redefining the Data Warehouse for Analytics in the Cloud