Data Driven Advertising – How Alteryx Manages Messy Media Data

On-Demand Webinar

Mastering Data-Driven Advertising with Alteryx

Alteryx Insights Navigating Messy Media Data Challenges

Unleashing Advertising Potential with Alteryx’s Data Management

Alteryx’s Expertise in Data-Driven Advertising

Taming the Chaos Alteryx’s Approach to Messy Media Data

Optimizing Advertising Strategies with Alteryx’s Data Management

Driving Data-Driven Advertising Excellence

Unraveling the Challenges with Alteryx’s Messy Media Data Mastery

Precision in Advertising with Alteryx’s Data Management Solution

In this webinar with Tom Harper, Director of Analytics for Annalect Ireland, the data science division of Omnicom Media Group, to learn about his journey from Excel to Alteryx.

He will talk about:

  • The current state of advertising in Europe
  • How he and his team work with many data sources related to advertising, from offline sources (TV or radio) to online sources (Double Click and Google), and use Alteryx to merge them into a single source file
  • How repeatable workflows have changed the game for his team.

Webinar Speakers

Tom Harper

Director of Analytics, Alteryx

Shaan Mistry

Solution Architect, Alteryx