Leading Bank uses Pixel Perfect to create UCC Financing Statement from within Tableau

Case Study
Leading Bank uses Pixel Perfect to create UCC Financing Statement from within Tableau

Looking to modernize their reporting process and promote self-service, a leading bank in the Unites States wanted to scale the use of Tableau across the organization. However, the banks’ lending and financial division still relied heavily on the use of a traditional BI tool (Hyperion) to generate their mandatory regulated reports.

Amongst these reports, the bank was required to generate a UCC Financing Statement. A report that details information such as public notices, information conveyed to other potential lienholders/creditors, assets borrowed, assets pledged, collateral etc.

Using Pixel Perfect ‘On Demand’ the firm was able successfully generate fully formatted and print-ready Statements (at scale). This further helped the firm’s division to sunset their traditional BI tools, and effectively adopt Tableau for all their ad-hoc reporting requirements.

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